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Healing Massage at Practical Magick

Massage can help you get to the quiet place deep inside of yourself. It’s a place where you can begin to hear the answers you need to help you move along on your path. It helps clear out your energy pathways so that you can figure out where you're going and how to get there. It helps support energy centers so that they function at their highest level.


More than ever we need human contact. We need a place of peace and tranquility so that our nervous system and the noise in our heads can be soothed and quieted. We need space where there are no expectations other than to be still and relax.


Our goal still is to create space for you to take a little bit of time out of your life for you to relax, breathe, and start the deep healing that brings forth great transformation.

We invite you to reach out to schedule your massage at Practical Magick.



Please note that while Reiki, massage, and energy work are complementary alternative healing modalities, they are not a replacement for necessary medical treatments. Reiki/massage practitioners are not doctors and cannot diagnose, treat, or prescribe medications. Please see your medical provider for primary treatment prior to seeking alternative healing modalities.


Readings (tarot, rune, intuitive, etc.), and energy work must be done in person. We do not offer services via phone, email, Skype, Facetime, or other social media communication platforms.

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